Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Healthy Lifestyle by Deby Rahmayanti (11150019)

       There are six healthy lifestyle. First, avoid alcohol and cigarettes because it is harmful to the body. Second, start to decrease consuming junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Third, drink 8 glasses of water a day because huma body needs a lot of liquid for expedite the digestive system. Fourth, it will be better if everyone consumes a spoonful of honey every morning because honey has many advantages for body. Fifth, do exercise three times a week such as jogging, skipping, or other simple sport at home. Sixth, sleep 8 hours a day. Lack of sleep is not good for body. It is simple to do all of that things, right? So, start to do that and everyone can have healthy body.

Keep Our Healthy Life by Suhaelatul Faizah Ahmad (11150024)

       How to keep our healthy life in this digital era? These are 5 simple ways that we can do to keep our health. First, have ennough sleep for 6-8 hours per-day and always drink a glass of water every morning after waking up and before having sleep. Second, have a meal or cereal for breakfast. Remember not to eat food which containslot of calories in the morning because it can make us sleepy and can not concentrate in our activing. Drink a glass of milk to complete the balanced healthy diet. It will be better to add some fruits and vegetables. All that combination can give a good effect for our body. The next step is doing our activity effectively. Remember to take a rest for a minute to refresh our power. Fourth, work as hard as your body can do but do not over work because it's not good for our body and mind. The last one is keep our mind positive. Sometimes people forget this and not really care about the power of mind. If our mind is positive then it will give a good stimulant to our body in doing the activity currently and help us concentrate better. In brief, there are 5 simple ways to everyone can do to keep our health in life. Love our body and keep our health.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Keep Your Healthy Lifestyle By Ahmad Faqihudin (11150006)

       There are three healthy lifestyles. The first is lifestyle which is related with eating habit such as wash your hand before you eat, eat at regular time (more importantly you must have breakfast before you work or do activity ) and do not eat too much. Secondly, physical exercise. You can do exercise three times a week at gym or jog to balance your body weight. The last one is go to bed at 09.00-10.00 p.m and get up early (03.00-04.00 a.m). We need sleep around eight hours a night after we work or do activity all day and wake up early to get much fresh air. It makes our body  refresh. In brief, we have to concerned with our eating habit, physical exercise and sleeping time sufficiently to balance our body health and prevent us from illness.

The Causes and Effects Our acts in The World By Ahmad Faqihudin (11150006)

        There are some causes and effects that we have done to earth but we are not aware what are the effects and causes are. The first is throw garbage any where you feel like it. It will cause big flood because the land can not absorb much water into ground land and also the garbage prevent river flow. The second is cutting the tree in the forest. It can cause slide land and big flood also. The last is using too much hair drier. It will cause global warming and make ozone scraped and then the ozone is pierced and make ultraviolet enter in layer of earth atmosphere. As we know when the UV touch our skin, it makes our skin iritated and the earth warm also. All of the effects will cause big destruction to our earth.

Tips of Healthy Lifestyle(Risa Heruwati-11150022)

There are four healthy lifestyle.First,have enough sleep.It's about 8 hours in a day.Second,do physical exercise every morning although by simple move.Third,drinking a pure water.It is good for our body.Fourth,eat a healthy food.It is like vegetables,fruits,meat,and milk.Avoid eating too much junk food because it is not good for our body.Let's make a healthy lifestyle,because in healthy body there is a strong spirit.

Healthy Living Without Money by Anisah Haidaratul Hanifah (11150029)

       There are some simple ways we can do for healthy life without spending money at all. First, get up earlier. Getting up early can give your body a chance to breathe fresh air with low pollution levels. This good quality oxigen will maximize our brain function, prevent damage to the lungs, improve blood circulation, and increase our immunity. Second, running. Running proves to successful in increasing health and make life long. In addition, running can make us think fast, sleep better, and easy to breath. It also makes our bone stronger and memory sharper. Third, laugh. Laughing does not only relieve stress, enhance social life, and lower blood pressure but also boost the immune system. That's some simple and costless ways that we can do for healthy life.

Recycle by Anisah Haidaratul Hanifah (11150029)

       There are a few things at home that we can recycle to increase the impact of global warming. First, hair. Our hair can be recycled and used as material for compost. Second, cotton. There are a lot of cotton in our homes. Cotton can also be used to make compost. Third, crayon. There are companies in Colorado who have accumulated more than 32,000 kg of crayon marks and then recycled into new crayons. And we can give our crayons that are not used anymore in this company. By recycling a few things that are not used, we can participate to keep our earth from global warming.

How to Healthy Lifestyle by Eka Nurul Hidayah S (11150001)

       I have several tips of healthy lifestyle. First, consume adequate balanced nutrition. Second, get yourself cope with stress that would harm you. Third, have breakfast everyday because it produces enough energy to run various activities during the day. Fourth, always keep a normal weight. Fifth, get enough rest in order to lessen tiredness. Sixth, do physical activity or exercise regularly because routine sport is healthy and can avoid the body from any diseases. Sevent, drink 8 glasses of water everyday. By living a healthy life style, we will not be affected by diseases.

Consuming Vegetables by Anik Husana 11150017

       There are five advantages of healthy lifestyle by consuming vegetables. First, it can enrich the protein and vitamin in our body. Second, it can make our skin soft and smooth. Third, it helps our body to prevent from disease by its antioxydant. Fourth, vegetable is full of mineral, vitamin, ferrum, etc. As we know, mineral can help the proccess of digestion, strengthen the muscle and increase antibody. Vitamin enhances the immunity. Ferrum makes our bone healthy. For example, carrot contains vitamin A that keeps our eyes healthy. Fifth, it can make us stay young. In summary, consuming vegetables is really required for our health.


       If you want to go green, here are several ways to get you started. First, minimize the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Second, make your environment green, plant some tree around your home. Trees can decrease the polutions and make your home more shady. Third, consider whether you can live without a car or motorcycle. At first you might think it's impossible, but there are so many other ways to get around these days and you can replace it with bicycle, public transportation or walking. The last way, watch your water. You can also save water outside the house with xerispacing. So, witt the simple way we can participate in go green. And we can save our earth.


    Facebook, Twitter, Thumblr, Blog's and etc is profitable social network  for communication. Social Network as an operating system can help the users create liks, and connection to resources to people, place and information. Facebook or Twitter we can communicate with other people in distants place, and we can get a sense of community. Besides we can share about event, information, and anything else. Blog and Thumblr we can share information more than facebook and twitter. Another profit from social network is we can get money from that, like Raditya Dika, from his blog, he can be famous and can be a succesful writer. So, social network gives a lot profit for us.

Save the Electricity by Catur Wihartiningrum (11150004)

       There are many easy ways that we can do to save the electricity. It can be started with changing the common bulb into Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulb. You know, the quantity of CO2 emission that can be prevented if we change 4 common lamps  into CFL bulb is 326 kg/year. Next, set a mute switch and turn off the lamp if it is not used. Open the window at noon and pull-out the cable of electronic equipment, after turning it off when it is not used. And then, use the extension cable that can be turned-off when it is not used. Finally, if we can save the energy, especially electricity, I believe that many benefits will come to us in the future.

Vegetarian by Fakhrunnisa (11150008)

       Being a vegetarian saves much energy and keeps our health. Because vegetarian doesn't eat meat. What is causing in it's production? You know, to produce 1 kg of fresh meat from animal husbandary needs 15 kilos of wheat flour, and it needs long process with full electricity to produce fresh meat such for warming machine, packing machine, cutting machine, and many other. Animal husbandary contributer to global warming for 18%, It's numerous contribution. Beside vehicles or transportation. Thus, we would be better not cosume a lot of meat or if it's possible just be a vegetarian to decrease global warming and save the earth.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Two Solutions to Decrease Global Warming by Istinganatun 'Aliyah (11150009)

Global warming is our major problem right now, and there are two solutions to decrease it. First, we can preserve forest. The Forest balances the supply of water and also keeps the air quality. Like CO2, the forest decreases O2 on photosynthesis process. Tree is the source of O2 for human. One big tree contributes to O2 for two people. The root of tree absorbs and stores water, so it helps us avoid flood during rainy season and drought in the dry season. Second, we can minimize using fuel oil and gas. We can use local product because the local product is more thrifty than import product. The import product commonly spends more fuel oil or gas. Then ecodriving also can minimize global warming. Those ways are easy, right? so, start from now, let's keep our world!

Methods for Global Warming by Eka Nurul Hidayah S (11150001)

I have three methods to decrease global warming. The first is you must decrease the usage of papers, because every piece of paper that you have used equals with a tree that is cut down. Second if you have computer, you must avoid screen saver. If you used it for long time or you will leave your computer on, screen saver spends a lot of energy and remove CO2. Third, you should decrease the usage of plastic bag. Plastic can damage environment and in fact the element can't decompose until 1000 years. Those way can decrease global warming effect for our better life.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Riding Bicycle, The Eco-Solution by Luthfiana Izzaturrohmah (11150014)

       Riding bicycle is one of the ways to save the world. Bicycle is a tradition vehicle which doesn't need any fuel or gasoline. It doesn't produce any smoke that can cause air pollution. The air will be clearer if the number of bicycle rider increases. Besides, the bicycle only offer simple materials such as metal for it's body and rubber for its tire, so it doesn't require much natural resource. That means we will save the world with an easy way: riding bicycle.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

How to Reduce Global Warming(Risa Heruwati)

Global warming can be reduce by doing many ways.The easiest one is put your rubbish to the trash can and separate the rubbish that be recycled.Use the electricity when you need and do not be wasteful.When you buy something you must keep the plastic bag that you have because it is useful.You can use the plastic bag whenever you need,because it is thrifty.When you have unused paper don't put it into trash can.Just bring  it into rubbish shop.Those are the easy ways to save our earth.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Facebook by Taufiqqurrohman (11150003)

Facebook has many advantages, facebook has good application like chatting, uploading photos and videos, sharing, video call and other. Facebook also gives us many facilities for our business, we can promote our product and we can post our advertisement on facebook because facebook is strategic place. Facebook is very useful for education in this new era, we can find some articles about knowledge and we can share our mind to others on facebook. Facebook is also potential for organization, we can make a discussion group to find a new strategic.  In conclusion, facebook is very useful for us. 

How to Keep Healthy Air by Nur Miftahul Khoiriah (11150023)

Air pollution can be prevented by some ways such as planting trees and some plants. The tree like fig tree can be planted beside the highway or in the park. And then, we can also plan some plants like bonsai inside our house. Planting bonsai inside house does not need such as big place, because we only need vase and little soil. The trees and plants that we plant will keep the air form dust, toxin, and other pollution. They also will keep more oxygen. So, planting trees and plants will help us to keep healthy air in our environment.

The Usage of Facebook by Khoirifatin Awwalina (11150015)

Facebook has many usages for us. We can look for many friends and also meet old friends again that we have never met via video call. We can chat with new friends and add advertisement for business, we can upload our photos and we can share it. If we have a problem with our friends, we can share it with our facebook friends by chatting, or write in our friends wall. We can play game on facebook too. We can make a class’ group or organization’s group for sharing everything with our group’s member by adding the member first. Facebook has many usage not just for fun, but for business too.

The Causes and Effects Our acts in The World (Earth)_by Ahmad Faqihuddin

There are some causes and effects that we have done to earth but we are not aware what are the causes and effects are. First is throw garbage any where you feel like it. It will cause big flood because the land can not absorb much water into ground land and also the garbage prevent river flow. Next is cutting the trees in the forest. It can cause land slide and big flood also. last is using too much hair drier. It will cause global warming and make ozone scraped and then the ozone is pierced and make ultra violet enter in the layer of earth atmosphere. As we know when the UV touch our skin, it makes our iritated and the earth warm also. In brief all of the effects will cause big destruction to our earth.

Pollution by Riska Arisna (11150020)

     There are so many ways to decrease pollution in our country, and we can start from ourself. By doing the following simple things. We should plant tree. It's very usefull for the future, because the tree will absorb pollution, especially in the city. The tree will change Carbon dioxide to be Oxygen. It's very useful for human and animal to breath. Besides, our environment will be cold and shady. If we want to go somewhere, we can use public transportation. We should reduce using our private transportation because it will help to decrease pollution. So, we can decrease pollution by doing simple ways and get a lot of advantage from these.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Save Our Earth by Deby Rahmayanti (11150019)

       We can save our earth easily if we follow these easy steps. First, we can stop to use plastic bag and replace it with canvas bag because plastic can't be decomposed easily, and it can contaminate the ground. Second, avoid using many papers so that we can save many trees. Third, try to use public transport than private transport in order to decrease the release of CO2. We can walk or use bicycle to go somewhere if it’s not so far from our house. Besides, it’s healthier for our body. Next, we should dispose our rubbish to the trash can, not on the street or river or somewhere because it causes flood. And the last is we can plant trees because trees produce O2, and O2 can save our ozone. It’s easy to do these things, right? Then, let’s do it, and we can save our lovely earth.