Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Healthy Living Without Money by Anisah Haidaratul Hanifah (11150029)

       There are some simple ways we can do for healthy life without spending money at all. First, get up earlier. Getting up early can give your body a chance to breathe fresh air with low pollution levels. This good quality oxigen will maximize our brain function, prevent damage to the lungs, improve blood circulation, and increase our immunity. Second, running. Running proves to successful in increasing health and make life long. In addition, running can make us think fast, sleep better, and easy to breath. It also makes our bone stronger and memory sharper. Third, laugh. Laughing does not only relieve stress, enhance social life, and lower blood pressure but also boost the immune system. That's some simple and costless ways that we can do for healthy life.

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