Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Twitter by Deby Rahmayanti (11150019)

More popular than facebook, Twitter has advantages and disadvantages. Twitter is SMS of the internet because the users can tweet up to 140 characters, like mobile SMS. Now, twitter has 100 million users and that number keeps increasing every time. Many artist use twitter as a media to communicate with their fans, such as Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Raditya Dika, member of Super Junior, etc. Moreover, it relates us with our friends wherever they are. We can share information about anything on twitter. Twitter has applications for cell phone especially for smart phone and android. Besides the advantages, twitter has disadvantages. First, it makes us lazy to do our homework or study. Our time is wasted when we open twitter. So twitter can be useful for us if we use it correctly and can be useless if we use it carelessly.

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