Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

About Moslem - Barru Rahman Hakim (11150005)

There are some important points there which I would contend.
Firstly, are the majority really against terrorism? Drawing parallels with the Northern Ireland conflict, I know several people on the Loyalist (i.e. Protestant) side who never spoke out in favour of terrorism or sectarian violence against Republicans (i.e. Catholics), but whose silence on the subject had the unpleasant air of tacit approval.  Are British Muslims any different. Secondly, the assertion that “The Islamic solution is integration”. This I cannot agree with. The evidence I see in news from around the world suggests to me that Islam has all the characteristics of what Iain M Banks calls a “hegemonising swarm” – it conquers new territory and replicates itself, leaving only copies of itself behind. Of course, I have to accept that most of what I see comes to me through a tightly controlled media filter with a hefty dose of bias – Stories about Abu Hamza are never likely to make many Westerners happy.

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